As a queer-identified counsellor, I am sensitive to intersecting identities, aware of systemic oppression, and am inclusive of diversity. I believe that by cultivating a relationship with our inner worlds, we may begin to connect more deeply with ourselves, our experiences, and our emotions. And by relying on this emergent trust in our bodies as our guide, we may journey towards experiences of health and healing.

We are all working through our own stuff. For me, processing internalized homophobia, associated feelings of shame and low self-esteem, and thoughts of not being good enough has been a crucial part of my healing journey and my ability to show up in support of others. This ongoing journey towards health has taken me to many profound spaces including Kundalini Yoga, Qi-Gong, Craniosacral Massage, Dream Therapy, Shamanic Coaching, Loving-Kindness Meditation, Self-Compassion Practices, Naturopathy, Intuitive Healers, as well as more traditional Talk Therapies and Western Medicine. A significant takeaway from these experiences has been learning to trust and rely on the wisdom and resilience of the human body, which has become a cornerstone of my clinical practice.

As a queer-identified counsellor, I am sensitive to intersecting identities, aware of systemic op... Read More

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